Who Can Benefit From Therapy?

Who Can Benefit From Therapy?

Who Can Benefit?

  • If you have difficulty processing your emotions or are engaging in behaviors that are less than helpful, DBT can be useful.
  • If you find yourself stuck in the past or worried about the future, DBT can be useful.
  • If you find yourself yearning for relationships that are more meaningful in your professional, scholastic, or social life, DBT can be useful.
  • If you are trying to make a plan for improving your life, but feel that you can’t follow it through, DBT can be useful.
  • If you feel stuck in your head or overly emotional and are yearning to be in a place where you feel grounded and wise, DBT can be useful.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy teaches life skills so that you can be better equipped to solve life’s problems.

These problem-solving skills also help you find more meaning in life and enjoy it more.

DBT helps you feel more in the present moment and more in control of your mind and your decisions.

Executives, Business, Health, Law, Tech, Art, Education Professionals, Emerging Adults, University Students find themselves in need of these services so that they can work on identity development, social growth, and professional and academic achievement.

Through this work, you may find yourself feeling more authentic.

You may notice changes in the way family, friends, and colleagues relate to you.

You may even feel more self-confident, more self-aware, and better equipped to harness the possibilities of life.

Doing DBT in NYC, NYS, CT & FL offers a wonderful opportunity to engage in an array of environments a practice living skillfully.

Contact dr.matthew.mandelbaum@gmail.com or 212.933.0758 for a 20-minute free consultation to discuss how psychotherapy could be right for you.