How do I know when I need mental health therapy?

How do I know when I need mental health therapy?

April 27, 2023
Dr. Matthew Mandelbaum

So You Are Asking

How Do I know when I need mental health therapy?

There are multiple entry points to beginning or resuming therapy.

Here are six possibilities:

Specific Event

Some prompting event brings about intense thoughts and feelings that are hard to handle.

Lifecycle Moment

Birth, marriage, divorce, death, or other milestones yield intense emotions or congitions that need tending to.

Mental Health Issue

Experiencing intense feelings like anger, fear, and sadness, and being uncertain of what to do.

Daily Life Stress

When your daily grind interferes with your capacity to function .

Decline or Stagnation

Feeling stuck when you are running out of gas in the marathon of life.

Blocked Goal

When the achievement of a personal, professional, or relational goal did not happen.

Finding yourself in any of these scenarios does not mean a life full of problems.
They are warning signs. They are signals that something needs to change.

You can grow across all areas of your life and be more effective in reaching your goals.

Working with a Licensed Psychologist like me can lead to increased understanding and skill.

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